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Thank you for your generosity. We will use every donated dollar towards our mission to promote water safety, healthy living, and the pursuit of dreams.


The Michael Phelps Foundation (MPF) is a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation that has received recognition of federal tax-exempt status as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (FEIN # 61-1571538). Contributions to MPF are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. You can visit Guidestar to view our 990’s and email megan@michaelphelpsfoundation for full audit reports.

If you would like to mail a donation, please send to: Michael Phelps Foundation PO Box 7, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340. If you have any questions regarding donations please call (207) 274-2015. The Michael Phelps Foundation (including Michael Phelps) does not solicit funds by direct message over any social media platform.

$100 provides training fora special olympicsor boys & girls club instructorso they can teach theirparticipants to swim,live healthy and set goals.
provides a session of
swim lessons to a
Boys & Girls Club member
Together, we can
reach more children with our
life-saving programming
and help them
reach their goals.